Sunday, March 22, 2009

Easter Egg Banner

This Easter egg banner is a great craft for quickly creating a holiday decoration out of little more than paper scraps and glue. First, you'll want to gather up the supplies you need:

This was actually what I gave my kids to keep them entertained while I made my banner, but short of an Easter egg template (I got mine here), this is pretty much all you need. I'd recommend using better scissors than the ones my 3-year-old was using though ;)
If you have an oval cutter and an Xacto knife it will make easier work of creating the inner shapes. Stamp pad and/or ink is optional for a more vintage look.

I didn't think about making a tutorial until I was quite aways along in the project, so I apologize that there are some steps not photographed.

* Print the egg template on heavy cardstock and cut out the egg shape using an Xacto knife. Be careful to cut the egg shape out without cutting through any of the edges as this will be used as a pattern from which you'll cut all your large egg shapes.

* Choose 7 mix-and-match papers (approximately 5"x7") for the large background eggs. Using your cardstock egg stencil pattern, draw the egg shape on the back side of the papers, and cut out.

* Cut seven mix-and-match interior egg shapes. This is the part where an oval cutter really comes in handy.

* Using Microsoft Word or a similar program, print the letters "E-A-S-T-E-R" in any font of your choice. Cut out the individual letters, and use double stick tape to adhere the border of the letter to a smaller scrap of paper. Using your Xacto knife or scissors, carefully cut out your letters using the printed font as your guide.

* Using a coordinating font, print and cut out the word "Happy." Using double stick tape, place the last small egg on top of the cut out word, and then use another piece of double stick tape to adhere both pieces to a brightly lit window. Using the backlighting and a black marker, trace the word onto the egg.

* Assemble and embellish as pictured:

* Now it's time to embellish! You can really go crazy here adding all kinds of trims: glitter, seed beads, ribbons and such. I opted to go for a quick finish since I was trying to complete my craft in the duration of my boys' naptime.

* For my finish I chose to ink the edges of all the layers with a black stamp pad. I only have a large stamp pad, but I don't mind if it gets a little messy. If you do decide to do an ink or chalk edged finish, you'll need to treat each layer before you assemble them together.

* Lay out a length of 7/8" ribbon (approx. 5' long) and space your letters along the ribbon however you wish. When all of the letters are in place, use your Xacto knife to cut a small slit through both the top of the egg and the layer of ribbon underneath it. Use a decorative brad or fastener to attach each egg to the ribbon.

All finished - quick and easy!

I love these little faux chocolate bunnies